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[vdr] vdr => dvd


I have converted allready some recordings to dvd by hand. My question is now: 
Is there a reliable way of converting the recordings with OSD on vdr ? What I 
think of is:


	=> cutting
	    => demux 
		  => mplex -f8 -S0 ..... 
			=> dvdauthor 
			     => convert/nameoftherecording/VIDEOTS/....

This is what i currently do by hand and have good results with. Burning is 
done via Nero on win because the resulting dvd's seem more compatible then 
dvd burned under linux (the same VIDEO_TS dir burned under lin and win => the 
latter one runs, the first not) demus I have done with ds_X. Is there a 
better scriptable tool that is reliable as ds_X in demuxing ? 

Maybe the half or all can be done with scripts embedded in dvdauthor.xml. 

Has someone done something siimilar or is there a ready tool there (beside 
vdrconvert, as i have read it vdrconvert uses ancient dvdauthor i don't want 
to have on my system). Something there i could add several recordings to one 
dvd and have different titles for each recording would be nice too. 



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