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[vdr] Re: Suggestions for tv output?


karim wrote:

Even if video quality isn't so bad for a composite output, I think it could
be better  using RGB or SVHS output, especially when viewing on large
screen. (Since I noticed a significant improvement when using my Sony DVD
player on RGB mode instead of composite -or even SVHS mode - I think it
shoud be the same way with my vdrbox).
I connected my Matrox G550 to my TV (40 cm) via composite cable, as the TV doesn't know anything about S-Video (it's quite old already; I used it with my AMIGA 500 via RGB). After booting WindowsXP, I've activated "TV-Out" and was surprised, that it was much better that what I knew from SAT receivers.

I don't know yet, whether there will be a big improvement when using RGB with my G550. Maybe, it depends on the TV, too.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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