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[vdr] A general note about feature requests and bug reports

With the release of VDR version 1.3.0, a new "avalanche" of
feature request and bug report postings has hit the VDR mailing
list. There's nothing wrong with that, but since there have been
several postings that break with well known "netiquette" rules,
please allow me to aks for the following:

- Always start a new thread for a given topic, with a _descriptive_
  subject (things like "Little feature request for 1.3.x" don't
  tell me what this posting is actually about).

- Write only _one_ topic per posting! It makes things unnecessarily hard
  to handle if there are several different topics in one posting,
  because I can't easily file them to specific folders for later

- Don't "reply" to the relase note posting of a new VDR version
  when you report a bug or feature request - start a new thread instead
  (actually this is what the first point above implies, but it can't
  be emphazised enough).

  This is one of the most annoying things, which often causes additional
  work to find the original posting for reference. If your email client
  can't keep threads intact, use one that can!

Please understand that these few little rules will make life easier,
at least for me when going through the postings and trying to find out
what and how to do in future versions of VDR.

Also, please don't be mad at me if I don't explicitly reply to
a specific feature request or bug report posting. I'll try to
fix the bug or implement the feature (which, of course, may be
in a much later version ;-) and may only reply if I have additional
questions or other things to say that might be of interest.


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