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[vdr] Re: Suggestions for tv output?

On Tuesday 06 January 2004 15:52, Marko Myllymäki wrote:
> > > Sorry if I sound like a total ass by saying this, but should
> > > it not be the hardware, which does the resizing to the video stream?
> >
> > There are numerous references that state that hardware upscaling on most
> > cards is implemented badly. So with software upscaling you can have much
> > better quality.
> Is this a driver (badly implemented method) or pure hardware problem?
> > And on the same time you can implement noise reduction (deblocking) and
> > deinterlacing to image. With beamers you easily see if image is
> interlaced.
> > For example HIM in Tavastia house concert was very bad without
> deinterlacing
> > (camera flashes flashing with panning camera movement).
> Sadly this is true, but deinterlacing and deblocking can occur using ffmpeg
> as I recall. (Not tested). Softdevice use these libraries, so it could have
> configuration parameter on VDR.
> > Chain might be something like this(??):
> >
> > DVB -> xine-plugin -> xine (demux, decode, resize, filter) -> framebuffer
> >
> > Best regards, Jori Hämäläinen
> I did not check on xine, but does it require X to work with? As for my goal
> is _NOT_ to use X, but only with pure FB.
> Br,
> Marko Myllymäki.

fbxine does not require X and is working fine with a budget or a FF card. It 
is handling HDTV picture format and rescalling too ;-)
(tested with vdr 1.2.x and xine plugin)


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