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[vdr] Re: Feature request - time shift

Michal Dobrzynski wrote:
> This has certain consequences, one of which would be vastly increased 
> wear on the hard disk. Theoretically it should be possible to set up 
> some sort of buffer which resides entirely in memory (and I 
> know plenty 
> of people who would be willing to spend the money on a gig or two of 
> extra ram if it gave them such a feature without major wear on the 
> hdd).

This "buffer in memory" already exists it's called "shmfs|tmpfs"
If you use a recent distribution it's most likely that you already have it
mounted at /dev/shm.
This "filesystem" uses space from the kernel buffer cache, resizes itself to
fit the contents (however there is an upper limit - defaults to half of your
phys. Ram) and is even swappable.

This would be "perfect" for "real" timeshifting. I would be trying to hack
up something but unfortunately i currently dont have any spare time for auch
a project.

Ciao Ulrich

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