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[vdr] Re: how to split vdr file after a given time?

Also sprach Matthias Bodenbinder zu "10.01.2004 20:08" Anno Domini:
> On Friday 09 January 2004 13:28, Patrick Cernko wrote:
>>Also sprach Matthias Bodenbinder zu "09.01.2004 13:00" Anno Domini:
>>>I have a recording which consists of three vdr files.
>>>How do I split the file 002.vdr after 3778.584 sec (suggested by
>>>, see log below)? I am looking for a solution for Linux.
>>I recently had the same problem. My solution was, to demux the audio and
>>video with X08 instead (
>>Afterwards I used mpg123 and mp2enc to reencode the audio as a pure
>>stereo one for muxing:
>>mpg123 -w - --stereo 001.mp2 | mp2enc -b 192 -s 48000 -s -o 001.mpa
>>After that, you can multiplex the audio&video as usual with tcmplex!
>>Oh, mp2enc is from the MJPEG tools package from sourceforge!
> Hello Patrick,
> many thanks! This was exactly what I was looking for. I tried X08 and it works 
> perfectly. I didnt even need to use mpg123 afterwards. mplex  -f 8 did the 
> job right away.

Ok, but did you test the resulting DVD in different software and
hardware DVD players if it is still playable? I do not have much faith
in the stability and capabities of the most hardware DVD player's MPEG
audio decoding engines. Normally they a seldom needed as mos DVDs come
with AC3 audio. I'm not sure if they can handly in-stream changes
between mono and stereo. I'm also quiet sure, this is not included in
the DVD specs.

So where did you tested it!
Patrick Cernko | |
Quote of the Week: "Quis custodit custodes?
                    Ceterum censeo Microsoftem esse delendam!"

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