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[vdr] Re: Other Way for EPG-Programming (Client/SERVER)

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Thomas Glomann (TG) wrote:

TG> > Would this work:
TG> > - have a server and client with identical DVB-S setup (same satellite,
TG> >    same channels.conf).
TG> > - nfs mount the servers vdr config dir to the client
TG> >
TG> > Would the server notice that his timers.conf has changed?
TG> >
TG> > Andreas
TG> No, that's the problem unfortunately. I want to have exactly the same setup as
TG> you but it doesn't work this way.
TG> The server side vdr will not notice a change of the timers.conf unless the vdr
TG> program is restartet.

can a plugin be written which is aware of the actions of adding/changing

if yes, then such a plugin could change/add/delete tiemrs on the server
via SVDRP.

c ya
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