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[vdr] Re: Hoerzu Digital service


for the fee, that would be ok, it's far less than the paper version.
But before asking on this list if the community would say yes/no, i'd suggest giving more _technical_ insides to what will be possible, what will be provided for that fee, how is it secured and how much _is_ the TCO for one year/two years.
So a detailed list what is provided and which usage rights are granted would be of high interest.

Regards Onno Kreuzinger

As a remark, since it ain't an official service i did not use it, and i have not found any tv guide being close to my taste when it comes to ratings or categorising, but i'm in desperate need of a reliable forecast, since 90+% of my recordings are automatical.

Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 11:32:25AM +0100, Frank Rosengart wrote:


after seeing you guessing around about the Hoerzu Digital it is now time
for a 'half' official statement from GIST.

You are welcome to develop a VDR project displaying the Hoerzu content
and use it for PVR programming. We are working on a C/C++ class for
inreading of our sections and preparing the data to be read by the UI.
It is based on the linuxtv API.

Seems to be predestined for intergrating into Master-Timer. :-)
The better the data, the better can the results from Master-Timer.

Bis denn

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