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[vdr] Re: libsoftmpeg -- a software mpeg decoding and a/v sync library

Very nice indeed, that is what is missing !!

but take care not to make the same mistakes as others:

You need:
- DirectFB and a supported gfx adapter (cle266 or Matrox G200/4x0/5x0 is
this makes your project intressting to cle266 owners and GFX professionals, cause every home user i know did buy a 3d card recently, so only very few do have a matrox with tv out (i have 2 old matrox but tv out was expensive and useless 3 years ago).

fine, vesafb is only enough if you have a horibbly fast machine ;-)
then it's no living room system, not to speak of bedroom, sorry thats a show stopper for aprox 50% of all vdr/mediacenter users i know :-(

- FusionSound, which needs OSS or ALSA (with oss emulation) sound drivers
that is good, cause alsa still is not an option for many 7.x 8.x distros (apart suse ofcourse).

- libavcodec, version 0.4.8 from is fine
yep it's very fine and should allow crash recovery like in mplayer (only the decoder s restarted, the rest not, so only minimal glitches occour on bit errors or bad weather.

Cheers Onno

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