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[vdr] ARD time glitch last saturday?

When debugging the reason for a wrong recording, I found that
the time from the ARD transponder has had a wrong value on
Saturday afternoon, confusing my system time.

On Feb 7, 14:58 log time, the time was set to the received 15:50.
this triggered a timer (too early) for a recording from another transponder,
and when this was finished (and the timer deleted), the next sytem time update
brought back the correct real time (confused log time 17:25, received 16:32).

My questions would be:
1. Has anybody else this time glitch in the logs, or was it maybe a data
   error in my reception only?

2. Would it make sense, to prevent such time glitches, to believe only
   small corrections from a single transponder;
   when there is a larger difference (e.g. > 2 min), the time from another
   transponder could be compared to the first one.

Tom (still vdr-1.2.6 I think)

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