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[vdr] Re: Cutting recordings hangs vdr 1.3.x

* Stefan Huelswitt <> [040209 18:54]:

Is anyone else experiencing hangs of vdr 1.3.x (I tested 1.3.1 & 1.3.3)
when editing recordings? I can set a mark point, but when I try to move
it, vdr just freezes forever, I have to 'killall -9 vdr'.

Could you please leave vdr hanging, open another console, find
out about VDR PID and enter "gdb vdr PID". Inside gdb enter "bt"
to find at which positions VDR stopped.
I'd do it right away, but I've recompiled glibc (and the rest of apps
which needed it) without nptl and it doesn't hang anymore. I'll
reinstall nptl enabled versions and make sure that's the only difference
causing the problem. In case it hangs, I'll try to backtrace vdr. I
don't know if I'll have any results before tomorrow, though, since I
don't want to stop the recordings which are currently held :)

Javier Marcet <>

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