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[vdr] Re: documentation of dvb-c channels.conf

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Juha Pahkala wrote:

>Hi there list,
>This is sort of offtopic, but also probably the place with the most
>knowledge regarding this, so I'll give it a shot.
>I'm trying out the dvb support in MythTV, but am having difficulties in
>configuring the channels. So I thought I'd ask here about the different
>fields in channels.conf file.
>The thing is, MythTV expects the channel information in a database table.
>The fields in the database table are as follows:
>-chanid | serviceid | networkid | providerid | transportid | frequency |
>-inversion | symbolrate | fec  | polarity | satid | modulation | bandwidth |
>-lp_code_rate | transmission_mode | guard_interval | hierarchy |
>and my vdr-syle channels.conf file (dvb-c) is as follows:
>so, I'm guessing here, but in the channels.conf row:
>TV1     =  channel id
>283     =  frequency
>M128    =  modulation
>C       =  ?
>5900    =  ?
>512+128 =  ?
>650     =  video pid
>651     =  audio pid
>and the rest of the numbers I have no idea. So, could somebody be kind
>enough to shed some light on the fields in the channels.conf file. Is
>there some kind of documentation somewhere?

Check vdr.5 from the VDR source distribution, it documents all fields

I however would think that:

	C = cable channel (S/T being the others)
	5900 = symbol rate

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