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[vdr] Re: AC3overDVB - off for mplayer?

Stefan Huelswitt schrieb:

On 17 Feb 2004 wrote:

I added AC3overDVB to my vdr setup yesterday (it works for the Yamaha DSP-AX1 as well), but noticed a much increased CPU load.

Playing MPEG4 through the mplayer plugin is not always possible without video stutter on my coppermine celeron 1000MHz (MediaPortal).

Is it possible to disable AC3overDVB when using the mplayer plugin (all my mpeg4 have stereo sound only, so nothing would be lost)?

AC3overDVB is not involved while mplayer is running. The data is
processed by mplayer and passed directly to the DVB card.

Which VDR thread causes the increased cpu load?
How do I tell? I recompiled procpc-3.11, which shows all threads, but what information do you need to know which thread really uses the CPU?

When viewing LiveTV the cpu load is at 15-25%, with mplayer it reaches 100%.

Since the mplayer-sound is sent to the amp through the digital out of my dvb-card I asumed this is handled by AC3overDVB as well?


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