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[vdr] Re: AC3overDVB - off for mplayer?

On 18 Feb 2004 wrote:
> Stefan Huelswitt schrieb:
>> Which VDR thread causes the increased cpu load?
> How do I tell? I recompiled procpc-3.11, which shows all threads, but 
> what information do you need to know which thread really uses the CPU?

You can use a tool like "top". If you have the PID you have to
look up the syslog to find out which VDR thread is that.

> Since the mplayer-sound is sent to the amp through the digital out of my 
> dvb-card I asumed this is handled by AC3overDVB as well?

No, sound & video are handled completely by mplayer. If you uses
-hwac3 the digital audio is encapsulated in a similiar way as
AC3overDVB does it, otherwise the audio is down mixed to stereo.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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