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[vdr] Re: optimization for slow cpu ?


Ramón de la Fuente Anguita wrote:

thanks but is not what i were looking for :(, also to see with mplayer files recorded with cpu at 100% have the same problem than seeing it with vdr directly, well, with mplayer is a little better, but bad at all :(
maybe i must buy a better cpu, but then i need a new motherboard and new memory :_(
I didn't see any information about your hardware. My brother is using my vdr-xine plugin on a Pentium-III 550 MHz. He is capable of playing any recordings at fullscreen (1280x1024) by using xine's vidix driver on a Matrox G550 (hardware scaling).

Be aware, that replaying recordings with AC3 audio data takes considerably more power, even if the AC3 audio data contains only two channels (2/0). My brother is not able to play such a recording on his machine without stuttering sound or frame drops.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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