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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-image-0.0.7 and 0.0.8-pre4

Jan Ekholm wrote:


Do all image viewers for VDR rely on pregenerating MPEG2 movies from the
JPEG images? With 10000 and more images the amount of space and time
needed for that part is just too expensive. And an EPIA can't really do
that conversion stuff interactively while the user waits for the next

Ideally it should be possible for the plugin to load the JPEG (very fast
operation for images of suitable size) and encode it into something simple
(isn't an i-frame just a JPEG image?) and feed dat data to VDR. Has anyone
done this or is it really possible?

    Jan Ekholm

AFAIK it's not possible because the still displayed is a 704x576 picture, i have seen no jpeg source generating such pictures by default. the work to do real transcoding (CDT) without full decoding and re-encoding is not yet done somewhere, atleast i don't know of. The cache generated is browsable, so pregenerating and removing the original is possible, also reading from cd/dvd or usb-storage is no problem, but be aware the cache has no clean up

and what you are talking of id mjepg, allthough similar not that same as an I-frame, or am i wrong?

Regards Onno Kreuzinger

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