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[vdr] Re: Howto place multiple recordings to one DVD?

Andreas Breitenbach schrieb:
> Juri Haberland wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately, all DVDs produced by vdrconvert/dvdauthor have problems
>>>> on my stand-alone Philips DVD player - the menus just show up for a
>>>> second then the recording starts. All software players show the menus as
>>>> they should. Must be a dvdauthor bug.

> I made it to get multiple recordings on one DVD, thanks! I have a similar problem
> with dvdauthor:
> On my stand-alone player I could see the title menu but I cannot start playing.
> There is a varaiable TIMEOUT (or so) in Setting this to 3 seconds worked
> for me, but only for the first title. I did not manage to directly jump to the selected
> title.
> Any ideas?

Other than upgrading to the latest dvdauthor developer version and
fiddling with the vdrconvert scripts - no.


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