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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-femon-0.0.2b

Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:

I never intended to release this widely in public, but after seeing
Olivier's post earlier today... someone might even find this piece
of junk useful after all. Basicly this plugin provides exacly the same
information on OSD as it's console counterpart (found in DVB-apps/szap
package) plus some new features like rought estimates of the video
and audio bitrates.

The plugin can be downloaded at:
Such a tool is pretty useful to help debugging, maybe you want to include also basic stream information, the current TSID, PIDs, frequency, everything to uniquely identify the current stream.

For inspiration you could take a look on the enigma-counterpart of this status dialog in the dbox2 project - this one is pretty useful.


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