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[vdr] Re: vdr at dbox2

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Carsten Koch wrote:

Andreas Oberritter wrote:

While TS playback has been tested quite well with Neutrino (and Enigma
now, too), PES playback using audio0 and video0 has not. Keeping the
stuff in sync is very hard.
That matches my observation.

This will never happen with a properly muxed TS where audio and video
pes packets can be transmitted "simultaneously" because of the small and
fixed TS packet size.
I know very little about all that, but I did notice that the data
currently produced by VDR can be played back or otherwise processed
only by very few programs such as mplayer and pvastrumento.
So I guess it might be a big step forward to move to a better format
again. There has already been the move from AV_PES to PES in the past.

AV_PES was a proprietary, non standard format, so changing that was certainly
right. PES on the other hand is AFAIK the recommended format for _storing_
recordings, while TS is the format for _broadcasting_.
Yes, TS was initially intended as transport format for broadcasting services, but since you can simply include useful meta informations like SI data, recording timestamps, teletext and subtitles into your recording by simply enabling the appropriate PID filters it is well-suited as archive format too.

The 'real' format that was intended for archives was probably PS, not PES.


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