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[vdr] Re: watching one and streaming another channel at the same time?

Am Donnerstag, 1. April 2004 14:36 schrieb Daniel R. Schneider:
> I must confess that I haven't informed me about all the streaming
> possibilities in recent VDR versions, but maybe someone can answer me
> my question shortly. Is it possible with a VDR box with a full featured

If anyone finds this message inside the "newbie lost in space" thread, maybe 
someone can. Use "New Message" next time.

> DVB card and an additional Nova card to watch some channel with the
> full featured card and stream another channel received with the Nova
> card to some computer (in another room) at the same time? I want that
> two people can use the VDR "videoserver" to independently watch
> different channels at the same time, I don't want to have a second VDR
> box or another DVB receiver.

You don't know yet that VDR can do timeshifting with one card, do you? :-)) 
You can stream every channel that's available on any card, meaning you can 
even stream a different channel than you watch with only one FF card. The 
Nova just extends the possibilities.

> What streaming plugin or whatever do I have to use? What software can I
> use to watch the streamed video on a Mac OS X machine? Videolan-Client
> (VLC)?

Usually, mplayer (which should be available also for Macs) and xine work best.


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