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[vdr] Re: DVB-T Berlin / not receiving EPG data forall channels (vdradmin)

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 20:45, Juri Haberland wrote:
> Soeren Sonnenburg wrote:
> > On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 16:37, Juri Haberland wrote:
> >> Soeren Sonnenburg schrieb:
> > [...]
> >> No problems here - besides the fact that the "lovely" ZDF is not able to
> >> send EPG data for more than one day :(((
> >> 
> >> > Das Erste:522000000:I0C23D23M16B8T8G8Y0:T:27500:1401:1402=deu:1404:0:14:8468:258:0
> >> -----------------------------------------------------------^^^^
> >> What is this? I don't have it in my channels.conf. Maybe that's your
> >> problem?
> > 
> > it also does not work with your config... but I now realize that I am
> > talking about channels visible in vdradmin, which only displays channels
> > for which EPG data has been received...
> > 
> > So the problem remains here...
> Hmm, I'm not sure I understand your problem. Generally EPG data for all
> programs on a channel are only received if the card is tuned to this
> frequency. So if you don't tune you card e.g. for more than one week to
> SAT1, Pro7, Kabel1 or N24 you don't have any EPG data for one of these
> programs. The only exception from that scheme are the programs on the
> ZDF frequency - they transmit EPG data only for one day.
> That's what the EPG scan is for. After EPGScanTimeout hours (I think 5
> is the default) VDR switches to any channel to get the latest EPG data.
> But this only happens if the card is not in TransferMode, which it
> normally is after a recording - until you switch to another channel.

But the Problem is, that channel scanning + grabbing EPG data (while
vdradmin is running) seems to work with all channels, but
ARD/RBB/Phoenix, ZDF/3sat/KiKA, MDR,NDR,arte.

And if I change the channels.conf to only include ARD/ZDF, then indeed
data from ARD shows up. And if I leave the channels conf as is and
record something on ARD or ZDF also that EPG data shows up, but it does
not from the start (like on all the other channels)...


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