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[vdr] Re: DVB-T Berlin / not receiving EPG data for all channels(vdradmin)

Soeren Sonnenburg schrieb:
> On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 20:45, Juri Haberland wrote:

>> Hmm, I'm not sure I understand your problem. Generally EPG data for all
>> programs on a channel are only received if the card is tuned to this
>> frequency. So if you don't tune you card e.g. for more than one week to
>> SAT1, Pro7, Kabel1 or N24 you don't have any EPG data for one of these
>> programs. The only exception from that scheme are the programs on the
>> ZDF frequency - they transmit EPG data only for one day.
>> That's what the EPG scan is for. After EPGScanTimeout hours (I think 5
>> is the default) VDR switches to any channel to get the latest EPG data.
>> But this only happens if the card is not in TransferMode, which it
>> normally is after a recording - until you switch to another channel.
> But the Problem is, that channel scanning + grabbing EPG data (while
> vdradmin is running) seems to work with all channels, but
> ARD/RBB/Phoenix, ZDF/3sat/KiKA, MDR,NDR,arte.
> And if I change the channels.conf to only include ARD/ZDF, then indeed
> data from ARD shows up. And if I leave the channels conf as is and
> record something on ARD or ZDF also that EPG data shows up, but it does
> not from the start (like on all the other channels)...

So if I understand you correctly, you are seeing this only via vdradmin.
Have you checked whether VDR itself has all the EPG data present? Maybe
it's just a bug in vdradmin?


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