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[vdr] Re: 2 DVB Cards and 2 Satellites without DiSecq

Hello Thomas,

I've have (a highly) experimental SourceCaps patch for this purpose (assigning 
sources to cards), but only vdr-1.3.x. 

Drop me a line, if you're interested.

Am Montag, 5. April 2004 17:31 schrieb thomas erdmann:
> Hello List,
> is it possible to connect one DVB Card to a LNB adjusted to Astra 19.2E and
> the other to a LNB adjusted to Hot Bird 13E and how must this be told to
> vdr. At the moment both are connected to Astra and the program scan
> automatically asserts Astra 19.2 to all channels.
> Where does this information come from ?
>   Thomas

Viele Grüße

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