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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.x : keep VPS infos when importing External EPG

> Hallo Klaus,
> im am Importing EPG from an External Source to get 7 Days EPG for the
channel that I watch offen.
> With VDR 1.3.6 the VPS infos are deleted when EPG is overwritten with the
svdrp PUTE command.
> Would it be possible to keep that Information ?
> And/or would it be possible that VDR updates VPS Information even if the
EPG came from External ?

Hallo Christian,

i have written a patch, disableDoubleEPG, that can "mix" the intern and
extern EPG and also updates the VPS information.

It was originally written to synchronise the intern and extern epg if they
differ some minutes.

You can download it here:


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