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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.x : keep VPS infos when importing External EPG wrote:
> Hallo Klaus,
> im am Importing EPG from an External Source to get 7 Days EPG for the channel that I watch offen.
> With VDR 1.3.6 the VPS infos are deleted when EPG is overwritten with the svdrp PUTE command.
> Would it be possible to keep that Information ?

If you overwrite an existing event with external data, an originally present
VPS time will not be overwritten (see VDR/epg.c, cEvent::Read()).

> And/or would it be possible that VDR updates VPS Information even if the EPG came from External 

"VPS information" is just the "VPS time" that identifies an event. Once it's
there, there's nothing to update. The actual recording control is done via
the "running status" of the event. If you insert EPG data from an external source
and leave the "table ID" at 0, the running status will not be modified by
the actual data from the stream. You need to set the table ID to some value
between 0x4E and 0x6F for that to happen.


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