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[vdr] Re: Matrix CAM and Conax

Jan Ekholm wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, [iso-8859-1] Ora Järvinen wrote:
>> There are occasional errors in syslog:
>> Apr  6 16:54:53 vdr vdr[30056]: ERROR: CAM: Read failed: slot 0,
>> tcid 1 Apr  6 16:55:01 vdr vdr[30056]: CAM: MR 1.053, 01, 0100, CEEC
> I see these all the time too, but with a bit different stuff on the
> second line. Usually a few every day, but sometimes a bit more. I
> haven't seen
> the error actually affect anything I've watched nor recorded, so I've
> treated it more as an ignorable warning.

Well, as I said originally, if it worked, I wouldn't care - but it doesn't.
Might have something to do with the MR CAM theoretically capable of various
decryption systems... but I'm only interested in Conax right now (got it
just to be on the safe side - I live in Germany, so I might eventually, if I
become rich, get a Premiere subsription too :-)

One of these days I'll try 1.3.x as Klaus suggested.

And (to all the other posters) yes, it's the Debian package provided on (zillion thanks to him!). While I'm not a Debian (or
Linux, come to it) expert, the reference to the "-18" ending wasn't  meant
to be quite serious - I should have included a few smilies...

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