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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.6: Strange SEGFAULT in libsi/si.h

Sascha Volkenandt wrote:

As I stated in my last mail, in the meantime I can reproduce this. There is a ~80% chance it happens ~10 secs after switching to any channel of the Bloomberg TV Germany/QVC/VivaPlus/... Transponder. VDR is configured to use only one card then. This could explain the behaviour, since usually my second card does EPG scans all the time. I guess it was just switching to that TP about every hour here.
Is there allready a patch for this problem?
Since today I have this problem on the Kirch-Transponder (i.e. Sat1/Pro7/Kabel1 are affected) everytime i tune to one of these channels. Since deleting this channels is not really an option, i'm looking for another solution.

If there is a way how i may help to track down this bug (e.g. providing error-logs or testing a diff) please let me know.


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