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[vdr] Re: Wishlist: running status

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Have you verified that these broadcasts actually started at the exact moment when
the status has switched? I mean, by watching what was actually visible on the tv
screen at that time.

You could make VDR use the event's running status (even if there is no VPS
time provided by the event) by changing the line

  if (HasFlags(tfVps) && !Directly && event && event->Vps()) {

in VDR/timers.c into

  if (HasFlags(tfVps) && !Directly && event) {

You would still have to set the VPS flag for the event, though.
I haven't tested this, but I would expect it to work.
OK, testing, testing....
Seems to start at right time, 50 seconds late.
Odd thing tho.. recording stops due to language change in apid,
should not be necessary to stop/restart recording...
Appears that numeric apid stays the same, language allways reflects original language
of broadcast.
There is actually a lot of these apid changes in log.

Apr 12 16:25:50 vdr vdr[3776]: channel 2 (YLE TV2) event 16:25 'TV2: Hetkinen' status 4
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3772]: switching device 1 to channel 2
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3837]: transfer thread started (pid=3837, tid=819251)
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3772]: buffer stats: 11656 (6%) used
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3772]: timer 5 (2 1623-1705 'TV2: Hetkinen') start
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3772]: Title: 'TV2: Hetkinen' Subtitle: 'Kolmasluokkalaisten oma tietokilpailu. Vastakkain Nilon Karkkikatseet Kuusamosta ja Kosken Karkkiketut Juupajoelta. Stereo.'
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3772]: record /video/TV2:_Hetkinen/2004-04-12.16:25.50.50.rec
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3772]: creating directory /video/TV2:_Hetkinen
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3772]: creating directory /video/TV2:_Hetkinen/2004-04-12.16:25.50.50.rec
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3772]: recording to '/video/TV2:_Hetkinen/2004-04-12.16:25.50.50.rec/001.vdr'
Apr 12 16:25:51 vdr vdr[3840]: recording thread started (pid=3840, tid=852021)
Apr 12 16:25:56 vdr vdr[3776]: changing pids of channel 2 from 513+129:660=eng:2321 to 513+129:660=fin:2321
Apr 12 16:25:57 vdr vdr[3772]: stopping recording due to modification of channel 2
Apr 12 16:25:57 vdr vdr[3840]: recording thread ended (pid=3840, tid=852021)
Apr 12 16:25:57 vdr vdr[3772]: buffer stats: 0 (0%) used
Apr 12 16:25:57 vdr vdr[3772]: buffer stats: 20680 (0%) used
Apr 12 16:25:57 vdr vdr[3772]: timer 5 (2 1623-1705 'TV2: Hetkinen') stop
Apr 12 16:25:57 vdr vdr[3772]: retuning due to modification of channel 2
Apr 12 16:25:57 vdr vdr[3772]: switching to channel 2
Apr 12 16:25:57 vdr vdr[3837]: transfer thread ended (pid=3837, tid=819251)
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3772]: buffer stats: 20680 (1%) used
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3826]: receiver on device 1 thread ended (pid=3826, tid=802866)
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3772]: buffer stats: 0 (0%) used
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3842]: receiver on device 1 thread started (pid=3842, tid=884791)
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3772]: switching device 1 to channel 2
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3843]: transfer thread started (pid=3843, tid=901176)
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3772]: buffer stats: 0 (0%) used
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3772]: timer 5 (2 1623-1705 'TV2: Hetkinen') start
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3772]: Title: 'TV2: Hetkinen' Subtitle: 'Kolmasluokkalaisten oma tietokilpailu. Vastakkain Nilon Karkkikatseet Kuusamosta ja Kosken Karkkiketut Juupajoelta. Stereo.'
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3772]: record /video/TV2:_Hetkinen/2004-04-12.16:25.50.50.rec
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3772]: recording to '/video/TV2:_Hetkinen/2004-04-12.16:25.50.50.rec/002.vdr'
Apr 12 16:25:58 vdr vdr[3846]: recording thread started (pid=3846, tid=933946)

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