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[vdr] Re: Wishlist: running status

On Sun, 11 Apr 2004, Lauri Tischler wrote:

>VPS uses running status.  Unfortunately Finnish Digita does not
>use VPS, but, they do send 'running status', sort of...
>They appear allways to send 'running' (status 4) but never any
>other type.

Do not underestimate the cluelessness of our national digital TV monopoly
Digita. Those are the ones that send out invalid info that lead to a lot
of boxes crashing really hard a while ago. Probably the same ones that
can't get the SI data correct so that "title", "subtitle" and
"description" are used in an incorrect way (the "description" is somehow
mangled into the "subtitle" data...).

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                                       -- Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times

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