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[vdr] VDR 1.3.6. hangs

I am having strange lockups on VDR. 

I was having no problems with VDR, but I had done a lot of software builds,
deletes, etc with various kernels. I was also working on a pre-release of
Mandrake 10 Cooker. With the release of Mandrake 10, I decided to reinstall
and cleanup the system. 

I now have: 
	2.6.3-4 Mandrake kernel 
	Lirc 0.6.6 (from Mandrake distro) 
	DVB (from Mandrake distro) 
	VDR 1.3.6 
I have an IR device connected to serial port 1. 

When I boot, I load the LIRC modules (lirc_serial) which loads fine
initially. I then load the DVB modules using my own version of
Finally, I load VDR with my own version of runvdr. This reads a list of the
plugins I wish to load by default and constructs the VDR command line to
load them - I keep this list in a separate file for ease of editing. 

All of this works fine ..... initially. I have a good lirc.conf, which is
integrated in to remote.conf. I can control VDR from the IR remote fine. I
have remote access from vdradmin. It all looks good. 

If I leave this for any length of time (a few hours, overnight, when I'm out
at work, etc) VDR seems fine, but LIRC has hung. No messages in syslog. VDR
just wont accept commands from the IR controller. I can still use the
keyboard controller (assuming I load VDR from not as daemon, but as a shell

Has anyone else seen this? Or have any ideas where to look?


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