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[vdr] Re: Vdr and DVI-out + 5.1 AC-3

Stefan Norberg schrieb:

You should take a look at tvtime ( ). It uses a X server and thus the gfx-card output. Further it features a nice deinterlacer and some other goodies like 16:9 output.

Thanks, but this is a VDR mailing list and I want to stick with VDR.
I'm a bit surprised that no one with experience in this field want to share
Experiences - not even the plugin authors apparently...

Well. I share my experiences with you :-)
The solution i mentioned runs on a 50 inch PDP display and we've got a very sharp picture.

You should read the other post in this thread.
It says:
... Tvtime is just like a "viewer" for vdr. It connects via /dev/video0 to the DVB card and displays the picture on the grafik card output. ...

There is no plugin needed. If one uses lirc, its possible to control tvtime (16:9 switching for example) with the remote control as well.

So tvtime is NOT a replacement for VDR. Its a viewer.


Thomas Weber

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