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[vdr] Re: Some hardware-questions

Rene Hertell schrieb:

I have a Epia 5000 and it boot fine from CF. But don't use a CF card
like a harddrive. It will be shorten its life time ...

Instead boot the system into a ramdisk. I'm using 256 MB RAM (128 MB
should be enough) to run my VDR box. 48 MB MB are needed for the ramdisk
of the system. That's all.

I have not harddrive in the box and the recordings are written via the
network to my server ...

This setup sounds nice! Yes, I intended to boot it into a ramdisk. Also
booting from the net would also be an interesting option :-)

What distro are you using? 48Mb sounds like the freepia distro..

Originally it was a small Floppy-Distro (3 MB) that i have build up with the needed libraries and software. The 48 MB are not full (~40MB) but i'm too lazy to resize the image everytime i change something. I have build a development tree for myself that i can recompile easily if i change something. This will rebuild all software components and sets optimisations for the used processor in the make process.

Also there is an init script, that checks the dvd drive for an new version and copies it to the CF card and reboots the system.

And it stores changed configurations back to the CF card so it can be restored after the next boot up. This only happens, if the system makes a shutdown via software. If the power fails, the changed config is lost...

But it needs some improvements...
It is to slow on boot. From power on to ready system (vdr accepts input) it needs 35-40 seconds. ~10 seconds are for the BIOS, the rest is loading the image (~5 sek) and init. Perhaps i need a faster CF card.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Oliver Friedrich

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