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[vdr] Diseqc commands

Hello VDR,
I have a SpaceLab DS-41 Diseqc switch that I am experiencing trouble with.  It appears to not be switching properly.  Sometimes I have to switch back and forth a few times for it to get a signal and when I remove the switch everything works fine.  Also, when I use the switch, I am unable to receive all the transponders.  I am using vdr-1.2.6 with the latest dvb-kernel from CVS. 
I am currently using the following commands:
S119.0W  99999 V 11250  t v W15 [E0 10 38 F0]
S119.0W  99999 H 11250  t V W15 [E0 10 38 F2]
S91.0W  99999 V 11250  t v W15 [E0 10 38 F4]
S91.0W  99999 H 11250  t V W15 [E0 10 38 F6]
Does anyone have some suggestions of what is wrong? Do I need a better switch?  Should I be repeating the commands in 2 or 4?

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