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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: dvd-0.3.5b01


Cristiano Bozzi wrote:

I tried to run vdr 1.3.8 with xine and your dvd plugin with good results.
Unfortunately, when I decided to run streamdev-client plugin too, xine was
not more able to connect to vdr and I had a "segmentation fault" after
"vdr-xine Client connecting" message.
Any ideas or suggestion?
vdr-xine keeps a pointer to the current OSD to be able to transfer it to xine when xine connects to VDR. Usually, there is only one OSD object at a time, but it might well be, that a new OSD object is already created while the old one has not been distroyed so far. This might mess up the pointer leading either to a "segmentation fault" or an assert bails out.

Maybe I have to find a more proper solution.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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