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[vdr] Re: RTL/ARD Problem still not solved ?

Oliver Endriss <> writes:

> On Thursday 27 May 2004 08:38, Axel Gruber wrote:
> > No i want to give my parrents a whole VDR-Installation for ther House (2 or3 VDR´s) but i have
> > a Problem with wich i personaly can live - but not my parents:
> > 
> > ARD (das ERste)
> > RTL
> > 
> > Switching to RTL i often have no Sound but a picture - after Driver-Relaod everything works fine again.
> > Switching to ARD (das Erste) i have much bigger Problems: Sometimes i have Sound but no Picture
> > sometimes i have no Sound and no Picture - and very often the complete System Hangup !
> > 
> > I can reproduce this here on my VDR Installations on every 3 Machines.
> This is a known but unsolved bug. I remember having an off-list
> discussion about that issue with Klaus, Holger and Johannes in April
> 2003 (@Klaus: subject "Fehlender Ton auf ARD nach Aufnahme von SAT.1").
> I found that sound on ARD is missing after doing some lengthy recordings
> on SAT.1 and Pro7. If you look at the pids on the SAT.1/Pro7 transponder
> you will see that pids 101 (ARD vpid), 102 (ARD apid), 104 (RTL apid)
> and other pids are used as CA pids!
> IIRC Johannes wrote that the decoder will not get any data from a pid
> if a filter for the same pid is active. This might explain the problem:
> vdr opens and closes CA pid filters at a high rate. Maybe sometimes a
> filter is not deleted (for whatever reason).

Could the same thing also be the cause of my problem (reported in
another mail, where I got not yet an answer ) that I can't record sound
for sat1, pro7 and zdf? (I have a full-featured and a budget card with
vdr 1.2.6)


Christoph Martin, EDV der Verwaltung, Uni-Mainz, Germany
 Internet-Mail:  Christoph.Martin@Uni-Mainz.DE
  Telefon: +49-6131-3926337
      Fax: +49-6131-3922856

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