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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-wapd-0.0.1 pre-release

On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Jan Ekholm wrote:

>Ok. It's actually quite simple, but I can't really test it, my phone
>refuses stubbornly to work with anything that uses security. It just
>whines that "Secure connection not available" and stops loading the page.
>It should be just a matter of sending an initial header to the client and
>request Authorization info and then verify that info in the new request.

Uh, my mistake. The phone just wanted a more complete header. Now it asks
for a username and password as a response to the challenge by the plugin.
What is a bigger problem is to encode the username and password (maybe as
given in the Setup menu?) into base64. They should be combined like this:


into one single string and then encoded. That's what the phone will send
as a response. Anyone have any links to a simple base64 implementation?
I've looked for one in the past, and I haven't found one. Writing one
isn't really that interesting. :)

           "Right, you bastards, you're... you're geography"
                                         -- Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!

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