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[vdr] Re: Enhancing vdr UI usability

>>>>> On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, "bernd_muc" == wrote:

  +> Just curious, but do remotes in Europe have coloured buttons on them like
  +> this?  Here in North America, they do not.  I am just curious to know
  +> where this concept of coloured "action" buttons came from.

  bernd_muc> Yes, they do - at least the newer ones. I think the concept was
  bernd_muc> started by the broadcasters that offer the videotext service
  bernd_muc> (almost all do).  Videotext is unknown in the US.

Additionaly the interactive DTV stacks I know (Open TV, MHP) also rely on this 
coloured buttons and I think this is very senseful. 

And to add my 2 Eurocents to the discussion:

due to my work in the iDTV area, I have seen may STB and many UIs for that, 
most of them are real crap, but this is also due to the fact that many STB 
have hard limitations on memory, OSD and CPU power. And what I definitely not 
have seen is a common usage like Mike stated.

What is really impressing on the VDR is the speed of the UI (which is mostly 
due to the powerful CPUs :-), the UI concept may be disussed, but I find it 
very acceptable in the most aspects (and especially the color buttons AKA 

Only one thing I am really missing: I would easy get hands of the full show 
information for the show I am actually watching. This could be possibly 
achieved by pressing OK twice, but perhaps this might break Klaus philosphy...

Anyhow, this feature I am really missing as I have to go to "Programm" and 
then press OK to get the info, which is annoying...


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