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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] bitstreamout plugin 0.61 (sound loop through sound card)

On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 01:13:48PM +0200, Norbert Schmidt wrote:
> Tested this with clean vdr-1.3.9 and bitstreamout archive-extracts,
> but unfortunately still with no affect.
> In times, when I didn't test bitstreamout, I run vdr-1.3.9 with
> osdteletext, femon, mailbox and text2skin plugins without any
> bufferoverflow or vdr-hangup.

Please remove _all_ occurence of LOCK_THREAD within the sources
of bitstreamout sources and the occurence of HOLD(thread) within
spdif.c of bitstreamout.


 Dr. Werner Fink,   SuSE LINUX AG,  Maxfeldstrasse 5,  D-90409 Nuernberg
 Germany and USA   fax:+49-911-3206727
  "Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having
          a peeing section in a swimming pool." -- Edward Burr

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