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[vdr] Re: EPG bugfix statistics

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Palko Jukka wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 10:19:38AM +0300, Lauri Tischler wrote:
> > >In Finland this would be Digita. But good luck in trying to get something
> > >to happen there... The EPG has been fubar since I started using VDR a year
> > >and a half ago, and still no signs of even some kind of willingness to fix
> > >it, or even an acknowledgement of the problem. It's scary that with such
> > >incompetent entities handling the DVB transmissions, we're still supposed
> > >to turn of the analog TV transmissions in 2-3 years (don't remember
> > >exactly).
> >
> > Digita uses something they call 'Nordic-DVB' or something like it.
> > in there the Extended field of EPG is defined as 'optional'
> I mailed the information mailbox and they forwarded it to the
> channels. Perhaps they will reply to that place better than digita does
> itself.
I also mailed to about the EPG and they said to me that each
channel is responsible for their EPG data, not digita.

Soon (when I am bored at work) I will write each and every channel and
complain also. if only I would know the technical details better. I didn't
find ETSI specs for the EPG data.


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