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[vdr] Re: ProcessKey help

Thanks, i've already see this, but i'm still having a problem...
When I'm on a cMenuEditStrItem line, and not editing it the green button
clear the "SetHelp(A,B,C,D)"
Is this normal issue???
I use exactly the ProcessKey exemple code you give me (thanks again) and let
the "My Stuff" empty!!

-----Message d'origine-----
De : []De la part de
Klaus Schmidinger
Envoye : jeudi 10 juin 2004 20:13
A :
Objet : [vdr] Re: ProcessKey help

Maynard Cedric wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm still trying to make a plugin and I've now problem with the ProcessKey
> I've declare a cMenuEditStrItem and, as usual, the Red button is assign to
> "ABC/abc"
> I've assign another function for the Red Button within my cOsdMenu page
> (with the ProcessKey function) but, when I press the Red Button while
> editing my cMenuEditStrItem to get caps, my plugin also launch the Red
> button function that I've assigned with the ProcessKey of the cOsdMenu...
> I'm sure there is a way to prevent this (maybe an eOSState or something
> else) but I was unable to find it...

Only process the keypress if cOsdMenu::ProcessKey() returns osUnknown, as in

eOSState cMyMenu::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
  eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);

  if (state == osUnknown) {
     // my stuff


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