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[vdr] Re: streamdev-0.3.1 , server responds but no video

Steffen Barszus wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2004 09:36 schrieb Steffen Barszus:

Am Dienstag, 15. Juni 2004 19:13 schrieb Luca Olivetti:

Steffen Barszus wrote:

Hi !

I have installed yesterday the streamdev plugin

No matter what i try i get only:

Resolving for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
Connecting to server[]:3000 ...
Cache size set to 8192 KBytes
Connected to server:
Cache fill:  0,00% (0 bytes)
This happens to me when the channel is encrypted, otherwise it works
fine (with mplayer & ps or xine &ts).
Now, the streamdev server/client is not very stable (from time to time
the server tells that it is rejecting too many connections and the only
cure is to restart both the server and the client).
vdr 1.3.10, mandrake 10.
Well my problem is reproducable, after some hours the problem is there
again. It is not related to the firmware, because simply reloading
dvb-ttpci does not help, removing all dvb modules and depending did help,
it runs again :) Well i would say good enough if that are all problems,
will try to find out which module is responsible

BTW its the skystar2 Module.
Well, actually I see this too (I only have a skystar2+streamdev-server and a streamdev-client+vdr-xine), but I don't think it was related to the streamdev server (the "too many connections" problem is).
When it happens, the standalone scan program complains about "pid timeout". Unloading and reloading the sksytar2 and the mt312 modules cures the problem.

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