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[vdr] Re: Idle VDR 1.3.10/11 eats a lot of CPU cycles with long/bad channels.conf

I wrote:
> > I'm using VDR 1.3.10 since yesterday and 1.3.11 since a few minutes. It
> > is great, but one thing bothers me a bit: it eats nearly 40% CPU on my
> > Athlon 700, and every 5-6 seconds a second VDR thread jumps in and adds
> > about 30% CPU usage according to "top". 
> The problem is related to the channel/program I'm watching. I get the
> high CPU usage (30%) on ProSiebenSat1 (Astra) channels, but on the RTL
> channels it's ok (3%).

Another data point: with the original channels.conf with its 120 lines,
everything is back to normal. My own channels.conf has more than 1000
lines. The ProSieben entries in both files are exactly the same (VDR
updated them).

If I copy most of my large channels.conf into the original, the problem
reappears. I removed all channels which did not yet have "hC" or "vC" in
field 3, but that didn't change anyting.


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