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[vdr] Re: Is there a shutdown delay for VDR?


> The shutdown sequence is dictated by the -s parameter passed to vdr. This
> is a script which should initiate the shutdown.
> Modify the script to detect presence of noad / autocutter and not
> shutdown in that case. VDR will call it again eventually.

I guess noad/autocutter are started using the "-r" option of VDR, aren't 
they? So why does VDR not wait until the "recording stopped" command has 
finished? Or do you run them in the background?

To make it short: with my VDR box noad is called by VDR because of the "-r 
noad" option. But it happens that VDR shuts down before noad has finished. 
IMHO that's wrong and should be changed.


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