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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] MP3/MPlayer plugin 0.9.2 (development)

slawe wrote:

> My name is Slawe nad I'm writting from Croatia.
> I'm also a happy user of your Mplayer plugin
> I was wondering if you could do me a faver. It's quite obvious that your 
> plugin can display subtitles through SS1 tv-out. Maybe it is also 
> posible to displat only divx subs onto the live stream from DVB card, 
> meaning that while I'm watching Matrix Reloaded from Multivision I can 
> load Croatian subs on it. I've seen such solutions in Windows enviroment 
> so I tried to explain how this should work here 
> .
> And it should support iso8859-2 character set

It should all work as it is - mplayer is responsible for displaying the
subtitles. Just place the subtitles file in the same directory as your
video and make sure that the subtitles file has the exact same name as
your video. E.G.:



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