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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine


Darren Salt wrote:

$ cat /opt/vdr/bin/

amixer set Master 100% unmute > /tmp/xine.log 2>&1
amixer set Headphone 50% unmute > /tmp/xine.log 2>&1
amixer set Line 50% unmute > /tmp/xine.log 2>&1
amixer set 'SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack' unmute > /tmp/xine.log 2>&1
Hmm... I'd find it useful for vdr's volume controls to be passed through to
(g)xine (I've got gxine passing keypresses to vdr, but I'm not entirely happy
with it yet). That'll reduce the configuration issue to that of how do I tell
it that it should be controlling the volume of ALSA device 1, not device 0...
I'm sorry, it seems, that I don't understand your writing. I've implemented VDR's cDevice::SetVolume() Method by sending the volume level to xine and there I call

xine_set_param(this->stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_VOLUME, data->volume);

Can you tell me a xine function, that would work for your case?

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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