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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] Image plugin 0.1.0


It is available a new release of the image plugin.

*** image plugin

This release should work now a little faster than so far, 
since some performance brakes are void. 
But expect please no miracles.

*** Download

*** Changes

2004-06-20 Version 0.1.0
- some script bugfixes (thanks to Ronny Kornexl)
- fix slow browser starting
- new faster threadmode, without polling on ProcessKey
   + prepared for housekeeping and image pre-generation
- remove blocking key on converting, for commadostacking
- remove anymore necessary parts for create black.mpg, 
       e.g. uuencode, gunzip
- Implement a precompiled image, which show on detected error
  + Include a used sample, 
    other images possible with edit Makefile and "make errorimage"
  + artwork be inspired on two icons 
    from Nuvola vector icon theme which created by David Vignoni
- Plugin use now the real generated file, image.mpg is now out of use
- Little Scripts speedup
-Remove the last script step copy xxx.mpg to image.mpg, 
    nocopy mode is now default
  + update: contrib/
  + update: all scripts
-Remove legacy around ImageMagick, to speedup scripts

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