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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-xine-0.4.2 plugin

Luca Olivetti wrote:

Another test run and after pressing 'q' I have this:
ao_flush (loop running: 1)
ao_flush (loop running: 1)
video discontinuity #15, type is 0, disc_off 0
waiting for audio discontinuity #15
no streams left, closing driver
VDR: stopping control thread...
VDR: control thread terminated
shutdown audio

this time xine windows has disappeared but it's still runnning
And now a case when xine quits (correctly?) after pressing 'q':

read(): Success.
ao_flush (loop running: 1)
VDR: stopping control thread...
VDR: control thread terminated
shutdown audio
no streams left, closing driver
shutdown video
xine_exit: bye!

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