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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-softdevice-0.0.7pre1

Stefan Lucke wrote:
On Montag, 19. Juli 2004 19:52, Joerg Riechardt wrote:

another question:
Is it possible to get a backgroud for the OSD?

Half transparent background is called alpha blending and that depends
on the features of your card and drivers.

vidix:	with radeon and a patch from my homepge.
x11:		with radeon and a patch from my .. .
directfb: 	with radeon and current pre-version of softdevice.
		next pre release has this for matrox too.
		Yes I got this working and a few minutes ago I had
		vdr-softdevice output with alpha-blended OSD via G400
		VGA-RGB cabel on my TV :-) .
I have a G550, but didn't yet get DirectFB to work.
Will you make it possible also for vidix (I use that currently)?
Looking forward to the next prerelease ...
Thanks, Jörg

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