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[vdr] femon values explanations and possible fixes, possible


I compiled and tested femon tonight : what a great tool. I wonder why I waited so long before I installed it !

Some transponders have no lock (ie. no channel on this transponder seems to lock), with a STR (Signal strength) that varies a lot : from 30% to 50% within a few seconds. For those, SNR (Signal-to-noise ratio) is quite stable (47-53%).
Your screenshots on show STR at 19%, with SNR at 77%, and still the channel have lock and your have a good image on screen...
--> is there any nominal STR/SNR values below which a channel have no change to lock and be decoded ?

The BER (Bit error rate) max value seems to be 0000fff0 (with extremely low STR but still a carrier) (Skystar2, if that matters).
--> is there a level between 0 and that max above which the image begins to degrade (MPEG squares, glitches, etc.) ?

The UNC (Uncorrected blocks) is always 0, even though there are sound and video errors, and the BER is high. I would induce that the higher BER (Bit error rate) is, the higher is the risk to have UNC (Uncorrected blocks).
--> is the UNC value a rate (uncorrected block for refresh interval) or a counter (number of uncorrected blocks in that stream since lock acquisition) ?

In my case, BER hardly goes below 0000fff0 (but UNC is always 0), even though STR stays at 67% and SNR at 58% on some transponders.
--> can this explain jerky video and audio (I also use softdevice, that seems to be jerky on it's own).

Finally : do I need to better point my dish (dual head 80cm dish) to get better than STR 6% / SNR 58% or are these values OK ? Is it normal that some transponder can't ever lock but others from the same satellite do well.
Or do I need to search on the softdevice side ?



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