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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] dxr3plugin-0.2.3-pre2

Christian Gmeiner wrote:

- osd works now on every resolution (viva, viva plus,...)
That's not completely correct: when I switch channels, the channel information is correctly centered on the screen. If I press "Ok" to redisplay channel information or I open the menu, the scale isn't correct: for example

- on "rai uno" (resolution 544x576) the display is smaller than the tv screen (stretched to the left)

- on "senato" (352x576) the display is chopped (the rightmost part, about one third of the osd, goes out of the screen)

- on "canale 5" (704x576) it's only sligthly extends too much to the right (only the rightmost character is out of the screen).

(these are only example channels, there are many others with these resolutions on hotbird)

What puzzles me is that right after switching the channel information is correctly centered.


PS: Please use the cvs-drivers for the dxr3 - they are much better.
I was about to get them today to see if this is a problem of the driver but cvs is down at sourceforge for projects starting with c,d,g,a,w,x and u. Someone please rename the project to em8300 ;-)
Does the latest cvs compile fine with kernel 2.6?

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